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In what ways did the French Enlightenment era help create the study of modern economics? Illustrate and explain all key figures

In what ways did the French Enlightenment era help create the study of modern economics? Illustrate and explain all key figures

and their philosophies. Are they influences found still in the modern global economy? If so, in which ways?
Instructions of the exams

• * This exam is compose from two parts which are choosing two questions from the list that I will post
• To answer those two questions, you need to follow the instructions bellow
• Answering each question that you chose should be from (5 to 7 pages)
• So the total should be about (10 to 13 pages) for the both questions
• The key important thing is using a footnote and using the lectures notes
• The textbook that we use is (Oatley, Thomas International Political Economy: 5thEdition.
The instructions of exam:
II. Essay Topics: Answer any two of the following essays with each response tal-lying 5-8 pages.

1. Who was David Ricardo? Illustrate and explain his economic theories? Were they accurate? Might they be useful in the present?

2. In what ways did the French Enlightenment era help create the study of modern economics? Illustrate and explain all key figures

and their philosophies. Are they influences found still in the modern

global economy? If so, in which ways?

3. Who was Jean Baptiste Say? Why is he important in IPE? Explain.

4. Who were Charles Fourier and Count Saint-Simon? What economic philoso-phies did they create? Are their views prevalent, still?

5. Who was Karl Marx? What was his economic philosophy? How and why has his economic philosophy been so widespread as well as controversial? Explain.

6. What is Import Substitution Industrialisation? What are its’s problems? Explain.

7. What is the East Asian Model? Should the West imitate it? What are its’s strength and weaknesses?

8. What kind of economic reform is occuring in China? Is it both good and bad for China as well as the global economy?

9. What are the global community’s criticisms about the WTO’s treatment of de-veloping countries? Are their complaints valid?

10. What are Multinational Corporations? Explain their evolution by illustrating examples of the first to evolve slowly thousands of years ago as well as the first global businesses to appear in the modern age. How are these kinds of businesses influencing the modern world economy in a positive or negative way? Should MNC’s be regulated by the international community. Defend your point.
11. What is the International Monetary System? What are its’ problems? How can payments imbalances become remedied?

12. What is the Bretton Woods System? Who created it, when, and why? Is it still used in the present? What were its’ strengths and weaknesses?

13. What International Monetary System conflicts have occured since the 1970’s? Have the international powers involved solved these problems?

14. How has the European Union cooperated in global currency exchange rates? Have they been better team players than America?

15. Why are some people as well as nations righer than others? Wheelan source to be used as a source.

16. What can financial markets indicate about becoming wealthy very quickly. Wheelan source to be refrenced as well.

17. What does economics indicate about politics and vice versa? What are special interest groups?(Wheelan data necessary).

18. What indicators are necessary to determine a successful and thriving econo-my? What factors cause economies to surpass others yet eventually decline? Does a powerful economy always indicate

a prosperous society for most everyone?(Wheelan data to be used

as well).

19. What is the Federal Reserve? Is it a force of good, bad or both? (Wheelan ma-terial to be consluted as well).

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

In what ways did the French Enlightenment era help create the study of modern economics? Illustrate and explain all key figures

In what ways did the French Enlightenment era help create the study of modern economics? Illustrate and explain all key figures

and their philosophies. Are they influences found still in the modern global economy? If so, in which ways?
Instructions of the exams

• * This exam is compose from two parts which are choosing two questions from the list that I will post
• To answer those two questions, you need to follow the instructions bellow
• Answering each question that you chose should be from (5 to 7 pages)
• So the total should be about (10 to 13 pages) for the both questions
• The key important thing is using a footnote and using the lectures notes
• The textbook that we use is (Oatley, Thomas International Political Economy: 5thEdition.
The instructions of exam:
II. Essay Topics: Answer any two of the following essays with each response tal-lying 5-8 pages.

1. Who was David Ricardo? Illustrate and explain his economic theories? Were they accurate? Might they be useful in the present?

2. In what ways did the French Enlightenment era help create the study of modern economics? Illustrate and explain all key figures

and their philosophies. Are they influences found still in the modern

global economy? If so, in which ways?

3. Who was Jean Baptiste Say? Why is he important in IPE? Explain.

4. Who were Charles Fourier and Count Saint-Simon? What economic philoso-phies did they create? Are their views prevalent, still?

5. Who was Karl Marx? What was his economic philosophy? How and why has his economic philosophy been so widespread as well as controversial? Explain.

6. What is Import Substitution Industrialisation? What are its’s problems? Explain.

7. What is the East Asian Model? Should the West imitate it? What are its’s strength and weaknesses?

8. What kind of economic reform is occuring in China? Is it both good and bad for China as well as the global economy?

9. What are the global community’s criticisms about the WTO’s treatment of de-veloping countries? Are their complaints valid?

10. What are Multinational Corporations? Explain their evolution by illustrating examples of the first to evolve slowly thousands of years ago as well as the first global businesses to appear in the modern age. How are these kinds of businesses influencing the modern world economy in a positive or negative way? Should MNC’s be regulated by the international community. Defend your point.
11. What is the International Monetary System? What are its’ problems? How can payments imbalances become remedied?

12. What is the Bretton Woods System? Who created it, when, and why? Is it still used in the present? What were its’ strengths and weaknesses?

13. What International Monetary System conflicts have occured since the 1970’s? Have the international powers involved solved these problems?

14. How has the European Union cooperated in global currency exchange rates? Have they been better team players than America?

15. Why are some people as well as nations righer than others? Wheelan source to be used as a source.

16. What can financial markets indicate about becoming wealthy very quickly. Wheelan source to be refrenced as well.

17. What does economics indicate about politics and vice versa? What are special interest groups?(Wheelan data necessary).

18. What indicators are necessary to determine a successful and thriving econo-my? What factors cause economies to surpass others yet eventually decline? Does a powerful economy always indicate

a prosperous society for most everyone?(Wheelan data to be used

as well).

19. What is the Federal Reserve? Is it a force of good, bad or both? (Wheelan ma-terial to be consluted as well).

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